saving, giving, LIVING abundantly


  1. Willa@ArmstrongFamilyFare says

    Great post! Our financial goal this year is to conitnue saving for retirement & college funds and to also put a large sum towards the principle on our home. We have a longer term goal of paying it off early (hoping for 5 years), so we’re trying to be focused and diligant about working towards that!

  2. Melanie says

    All financial decisions my husband and I make this year will be focused around us buying our first home. We jokingly say since we have been married five years, it is time to grow up and make an adult purchase. We are going to use our stockpile and see how far it can stretch. We are also going to try to save everything we can for a down payment.

  3. Becky in AL says

    Our goal this year to fully fund our 3 month emergency plan and pay off my hubby’s student loans. It’s a steep order, but we can do it!

    • Laurie says

      Awesome goal Becky! I think one of my favorite days was when we (finally!) paid off my student loans…. all the kids were in the car and we were so stinkin’ excited! 🙂 Good luck…. you can do it!!!!!!

  4. Rose says

    We just got our three month emergency fund so we plan to tile our kitchen and dining room, get bedroom furniture, and increase retirement/savings.

  5. Mary says

    We will be living off our stockpile and what freebies or low cost items I can get for the next year or two. Thank goodness for couponing. Unfortunately, when we built our home almost 6 years ago, we thought our builders were reputable. Fast forward to present, looking at a major foundation repair due to builder negligence with no recourse unless we spend an arm and a leg on lawyers and experts. Needless to say, we will be footing the bill on this high dollar repair. Things will definitely be very hard, but I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for my couponing and the help from the bloggers like you Laurie, things would be way harder.

    • Laurie says

      Bless your heart Mary – I hate that for you! Things like that are so incredibly frustrating, and often happen so often w/ home owner stuff (those kinds of repairs are my least favorite ever to spend on.) Hang in there, and I’ll be hoping your penny pinching takes you far this year! 🙂

  6. Catherine says

    We are spending BIG on a renovation now and have plenty of food and clothes so I’m going to do my best to make my Goodwill gift cards stretch and go back to a $70 per week food and clothing budget for my family of five so we can put more towards the house. I’m always thrifty and kept weekly costs around $100 but it’s time to live off our couponing stash for a while and save.

    • Laurie says

      Renovations are huge Catherine! That’s an awesome goal – and I totally think you can do it. Thanks so much for sharing!

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