A few weeks ago I noticed these framed prints at Goodwill.
For whatever reason, one of them was priced at $5 and the other one was just $3. I asked the cashier what the difference in them was (and if they'd consider taking $3 for each of them), and sure enough brought them home for just $6, total.
I've seen so many pretty botanical and patterned prints in the Ballard Designs Catalog (I love that store!) , but there's no way I could justify shelling out nearly $200 for the set. (Especially just to hide in our bathroom!) The frames were in decent shape, I liked the linen matte that they already had, so all I had to do was switch out the print to make it match our home.
So, I took these two apart, purchased $8 in fabric at Joann's (after my 30% off coupon), and came out with two prints that are perfect to add some color to our walls.
(I use my hot glue gun for everything – since I couldn't convince my husband to hunt down his staple gun in the garage, I used hot glue to put it all back together.) 😉
Here's what I spent:
- Goodwill frames – $6
- Fabric – $4
- Total = $10 – woohoo!
If you're looking for inexpensive ways to fluff up your walls at home, I'm telling you what . . . a trip to your local thrift store is so worth it. If you've seen anything fun at your local Goodwill or thrift store recently I'd love to hear about it ~ leave a comment to share!
I'd love for you to join me over on Pinterest (I love that place!) If you have a blog and have done a little fluffing in your home, I’d love to see it, so leave your link in the comments section. Also, if there’s a craft you’ve seen on a website that you’re hoping to make, feel free to share that link as well (I’m always looking for new ideas!)
See previous Friday Fluff Up projects and ideas . . . and Happy Fluffing!
Love goodwill for finding those diamonds in the rough!! I make a children’s necklace line and have been wanting/needing more storage organization. My goodwill had a sterilite 3 drawer unit for $3!! They range from $20-40 on Amazon! I kid you not, I didn’t even hesitate for a milisecond to grab that bad boy, give it a quick dish soap wash, and bask in my bubblegum bead organization heaven ❤️
What did you use to redo those frames? I have a silver framed mirror in my bathroom. The finish is not good on the frame due to having water, soap, toothpaste splashed on it. Not sure how to refinish the frame. Love your frames.
Hi Tammie, on these I didn’t change the frame, just what was inside. I have spray painted frames before and it’s worked well. Just be sure to clean it really good with alcohol first, and get all of the oils off 🙂
I love your site & insight! My favorite “shopping” is in thrift stores & garage sales- thinking outside the box as to what can be. Plus, I love the coupon deals at CVS, shopping Home Goods & Marshall’s. 🙂
Love that Melody ~ those are great places to check! 🙂 Thanks so much for reading PPP!
Those are gorgeous and look expensive! Great job.
Wow! I may have to do that. We’ve been really blessed with our Goodwill. A month ago I found two stunning black and white photographs already matted and framed in perfect, not-a-ding-on-them frames. $8 each and signed. Yesterday I found a third photo, matted with no frame. Also signed by a local photographer. I wandered over to frames and snagged one that fit the picture perfectly. Rang in under $7. Now I have three gorgeous photos that would have cost me hundreds new. It’s not always that good of a find, but when it is it makes my week.
We also buy blankets for our dogs there instead of expensive pet beds.
Great tip Cassie – I wouldn’t have thought of using them for pet beds! Thanks for sharing 🙂 (Goodwill is so fun!)
I just found this site WOW it is amazing thank you. I want to be able to do some of this stuff and never knew how. This picture idea is so nice! I need to be taught how to do this stuff. I am going to sign up as a beginner. Thank you again. Cindy
I’m so glad Cindy – that means so much to me! So glad you’re here! 🙂
Love the transformation!