I had great intentions to clean out my bathroom drawers today, then underneath the sinks and of course finish up by tackling my kids bathroom cabinets.
Then life happened. 😉 My kids were home on a two-hour delay from school, I had a painter and carpet cleaners working on my house, needed to get together a new nacho recipe to share (watch for the post tomorrow), the PPP site decided to quit for about an hour (ugh!) and my kids all have a slew of activities from 2:30-9 tonight.
Something had to give, so I thought I'd share this old post as an encouragement to you. My friend Shannon and I shared this thought when talking a few years ago,  and I'm betting a few other folks struggle with it just like we do!  Even if you're a slightly un-organized mess like we are some days, God has a good plan for you. 😉
Do you ever watch another mom who seemingly has it all together and feel simply overwhelmed? Do you look at someone else's cute clothes, cute shoes, cute kids and (of course) super organized life and think . . . Why can't I be like that?
I know. I do that too.
Many days I look at my frazzled, worn-out, over-anxious, slightly-pudgy-self and all I can think is “I AM A MESS!” (And if you know me, you know that's pretty much the case!)
My kids are rowdy, my husband is fantastic (but also loud, boisterous, and slightly prone to holler at drivers that don't drive correctly . . . ~ahem~), and I've managed to miss exactly three appointments in the last two months because I simply don't seem to have a grasp on all there is to do each day.
I'll never be PTA president (ummmmm . . . which really is just fine by me), I barely keep up with the very few volunteer jobs that I do, and my daughter has convinced me that I'm the only mom in the whole school who doesn't plan a weekly lunch date with their child.
But, you know what? I've come to the conclusion that it's okay that I can't keep up. My children are fed each day, my laundry is (usually . . .) caught up, no one has been eaten by the dust bunnies in our home (yet), and when my kids have a rough day, all they want to do is come home to hang out with me. (Mess that I am and all . . . isn't that just nuts?)
They don't care that my clothes aren't super cute, they don't even notice that I own shoes (much less whether they're highly fashionable or not), and they're each pretty sure that they're kinda cute themselves.
I'm never going to be that girl . . . and I have a sneaky suspicion that even that momma doesn't feel all that on top of things herself. So instead, I've got to work on being the best (unorganized, chaotic, very excitable, and a wee bit nuts) girl that I can be . . . even if that doesn't look like what I would choose most days in the mirror. Deep down inside, my heart wants to do good, desires to help others, and yearns to be a momma who shares a glimpse of God's own heart with her children.
And my guess is that He's not all that concerned with how I look on the outside or just how organized I am, but rather He's taking a peek at the inside of my heart to see the real me (which needs so much more work than the outside even!) So, it's really okay that I'm a mess (I promise!), because ~ thank goodness~ He's got work to do on me yet.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
I’m a mom of 11 and thank u. I think and do the same thing. But you know what I cheer for my babies at their games (the ones I don’t miss) I anxiously await and greet them when they walk in the door from school from my senior to my kinder! I may not be in the best shape or have the best clothes only because I would rather let me children looking their best! I let them make messes and help me clean I walk to spend time with them and the thought of working out hours a day only reminds me of the time I’m missing out on my children. They are my life and otherwise why wouldn’t I have had them! I don’t think that moms were meant to be fashionistas because no matter what To my kids I am super mom no matter what I’m wearing or how bad my hair looks! LoL. I feel you and thank you I don’t feel alone.
You are soooo not alone Monica – thank you for sharing! 🙂 It sounds like you’re an amazing mom and your children are so blessed by you. So worth it to just do what we’re called to do even on those days when we don’t feel quite pulled together. Thank you for taking the time to comment!
YOU are THAT girl!! Others look at YOU and say wow she has a blog. kids, husband ect ect ect!!!!
YOU are THAT girl!! Others look at YOU and say wow she has a blog. kids, husband ect ect ect!!!!
nobody is perfect….and we are all perfect examples……enjoy reading your reflections…..and your facebook posts….keep up the good work!!!! 🙂
THANK YOU!! I feel that being able to keep your house spotless as well as yourself and your children well groomed all of the time is a TALENT! It’s a gift!!! Some people have it, some people do not! I do not have that talent! I have many other gifts and talents that others do not, but having a neat house and children who always look perfect is not one of them! Although I do strive constantly to have a clean home and well groomed kids, most days, I just can’t figure it out! It’s a real struggle!
And no, I’m not just lazy, as some people would assume. I’m work hard all day cleaning, helping and loving my children. It’s tough when I hear others gossip about other women they know, saying “how can she let her house get so messy! It’s disgusting!…..etc.”, all the while, I’m shying away in the corner because I’VE BEEN THERE! In fact, I’m probably there now!
Some days I’ve even closed the blinds and lived in darkness because I don’t want the world to know of the failure I am to have allowed my house to get this way! That’s where the Disney Frozen song has come in and helped where she sings “Let it Go!” – Yes! Let I can let it go! I can’t continue to live in the darkness, ashamed because I just can’t keep my house clean!
My kids are healthy, we are happy, and although we will continue to strive for an organized home, we just can’t do better than our best, and sometimes the best is still going to be an awful mess, but that’s ok.
Ok, off of my soap box, and thank you sooo much for this post! It’s so nice to know there are other mothers out there who struggle to have a neat house and well groomed children.
Oh Sharon – I definitely am with you! I think we all have different things that we pass on to our children, and ALL of them are valuable, but goodness it’s hard when sometimes the world seems to put value so much in the way things look. While I do live more peacefully when my home is (somewhat!) organized, there are days when I have to let it go too. 😉 (And glad to know I’m not the only momma who’s sung that song a time or too when it comes to parenting! 🙂
I really needed this today, thank you so much!! I am the type that feels like if I don’t get EVERYTHING done, I’m a total failure. I like to have things done a certain way and by a certain time. well it just wasn’t happening today and after reading your post, I’m cool with that. again, thank you 🙂
It really is so difficult not to get overwhelmed, so I completely understand. Blessings Denise – hang in there! 🙂
So needed to read this for myself not only today but most days of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re not the only one Kendra ~ hang in there!!!!
Good Reminder
Terrific! With mounds of snow, temps 20+ degrees BELOW zero, and 4 kids dying of cabin fever, it has been a pretty rough and worn winter. I'm not that girl either, and I have shoes somewhere in the house, but they are k-mart specials. My toes haven't seen a pedicure in 2 years, my hair has roots past the roots, and I'm pretty sure it didn't even get brushed today. (teeth yes, hair sometimes). You are a joy to read and let me appreciate that intentions are best, but reality sometimes gets in the way.
Thank you so much Jennifer for letting me know I’m not the only one who feels this way! Surely one days our toes will get fluffed, our hair will look cute (maybe, at least for me?) and surely we’ll make it through. I appreciate your sweet comment so much!