Looking for honest Storyworth reviews? We tried Storyworth and loved it. Here's all you need to know about this unique storytelling gift!
Our HONEST Storyworth ReviewÂ
Grandparents Day is September 8, and if you are looking for a meaningful gift, I HIGHLY recommend Storyworth. Several of our PPP team members have tried this out and just love the way it is sentimental and a keepsake all in one. And right now you can get $10 off your order too! 🙂
Note from Laurie: My friends Jamie (and Mary!) both recently tried Storyworth and it sounded like such a cool idea, I asked Jamie to share what she thought. 🙂 After James's father passing away a few years ago, I can see how this would have been an incredible gift to give, and love this concept.
I gave Storyworth as a gift to my mom a couple years back and it's one of the best gifts I think I've ever given – partly because it turned out to be a real gift for the whole family.
Check out Jamie's review of Storyworth on Facebook Live!
My Honest Storyworth Review
My grandparents have both passed away in the past few years.  I was very close to them and I think about them allllll the time. (Especially holidays!) But mostly – I think about how much I wished I'd sat down with them and a tape recorder and just had them tell me stories. I feel like I missed so many opportunities to lock them in my memory!
And so now with my own parents, I've tried to be a little more intentional in asking them about their lives. Â Especially because like many families – we don't live close together anymore.
I ask mom to tell me how she used to spend summer evenings when she was a kid – playing Four Square with Papaw and the whole neighborhood. I ask dad to tell me about the time he spent in the army. Or about the time he hid snakes in his sock drawer (and gave his mother a heart attack). I want to be able to share those things with my kids and my grandkids!
And then recently I heard about StoryWorth and it sounded like the PERFECT idea.
What is Storyworth?
StoryWorth is a gift that you give another person – that tells them their stories are valuable, that their memories are special. Â But it's also a gift you give yourself, because you get to treasure those forever!
How does Storyworth Work?Â
1.) Start HERE to make your Storyworth purchase.
2.) When you gift a StoryWorth subscription to someone, they'll receive a weekly email with story prompts. Â These weekly questions are thought provoking – and fun – and help invoke memories and inspire parents/grandparents to share their life story through their eyes.
3.) Each week they can sit down and spend a few minutes to respond to the question and share their stories and memories with you.
4.) After a year all their weekly stories are gathered into a lovely hardcover book and shipped to you. You can order additional copies if you'd like too!
The storyteller can also attach photos with their stories. The book my mom made is such a treasure for our family story – and I've found out about all kinds of things about family and relatives I maybe never would've known! I especially love one story my mom told about having caterpillar races on the sidewalk with one brother when they caught their other little brother sitting in the dirt eating hard shell bugs. 😜 We always tease my uncle about this now!
Sounds cool right?
Do you pick your own Storyworth Questions?Â
Here are some Storyworth sample questions that it asked my mom – but as you can tell from this chapter in her book – you can make up your own questions/topics as well!
- Do you have any particularly vivid memories of your grandparents?
- Have you ever written a poem or a story, and if so, do you still have it?
- Has your relationship with your siblings changed over the years?
- How did you meet your spouse? When did you know you wanted to marry them?
- Did you ever move as a child? What was that experience like?
- Did you ever get into trouble as a child?
- What things are you proudest of in your life?
- What was one of the most difficult times in your relationships? How did you get through it?
- What was your weekend tradition when you were a kid?
- What were you like when you were 30?
- Are you a morning person or an evening person?
- What was it like growing up in Kentucky?
There are hundreds of questions to choose from – and you can also write your own.
My mom chose to focus on the childhood questions – because she wanted a book of stories she would want to pass down to her kids and grandkids. Stories she doesn't get to sit around and share often because she lives far away. However you can choose story prompts that are more suited to telling about your adult life or relationships instead!
With Father's Day right around the corner this would be a WONDERFUL and unique gift!Â
If your family members are storytellers or they begin advice with “when I was your age….” then StoryWorth could be the most wonderful perfect gift. 🙂
It makes them feel special – because they are.
I can't speak for everyone – but I think that for my mom it was probably affirming. Who DOESN'T want to be reminded that their life is important and their stories should be passed down and treasured?
I know that any time my teenage boys so much as sit down at the table with me for 10 minutes and listen to me ramble I get a warm glow inside – so I can only imagine how I'll feel years down the road. 🙂
Interested in Gifting Storyworth?
- To get started with StoryWorth, just head over here.
- (You can even gift Storyworth the DAY OF the special event and it won't arrive late!)
The $99 price includes:
- 1 Year of weekly story prompts
- Hardcover printed book up to 480 pages
- Ability to invite an unlimited number of people to receive the stories
Click here to get started with this unique gift!
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