

the perfect planner.

This is NOT your traditional planner.

Our 2025 Home Planner is actually a Planner and HOME MANAGEMENT SYSTEM that easily allows you to manage your home, care for your family, and organize your weekly schedule all in one beautiful space. The Home Planner breaks down all your cleaning, organizing, and even navigating your budget into simple, achievable tasks each day. 

CAN stop feeling overwhelmed in your home.

You CAN create daily habits that will last. 

And over time, you'll see how just a tiny bit of progress will transform your life each day.

Manage your home, schedule, and finances in one beautiful planner.

With this system, focus on simple daily tasks to do in your home each day, seasonal checklists including everything from Spring Cleaning to Christmas preparation, as well as weekly and monthly calendars to organize your daily schedule. 

Keep track of bills and spending with the annual payment tracker, daily spend tracking, and monthly budget worksheet.

Prioritize exercise and caring for yourself with a few moments of intention each day. 

PLUS – you'll find a cute bookmark & ruler, a two-sided pocket, and of course cute stickers (149 stickers to be exact!) to use throughout the year. 

Choose from 5 cover options

Results we love ...

Our system makes it easy!

The daily checklist on the weekly planner view is just the beginning of the 2025 Home Planner. Use it as a starting point as you begin caring for yourself, your home, and your family in a brand new year. Start by simply focusing on exercise and making a bed each morning, then add cleaning your kitchen and wiping down your kitchen sink as you make the system work for you. Beginning each day with a few minutes of intention and ending it with a few moments of gratitude will bring calm to your chaos as you begin a fresh new year.

The Home Planner will add MORE time and LESS work to an already busy day as the checklists and plan are created for you. Instead of debating where to begin each day, you'll begin with clear purpose, focus on what matters most, and tackle things in your home inside a system so that you're never overwhelmed again. Just for example . . . when was the last time you organized the stack of cookbooks on top of the fridge or developed pictures on your phone? The Home Planner will give you an exact time of year to tackle those tasks, so you never miss that one again!

Along with the weekly checklists and daily Bible verse to read, you'll find seasonal checklists to help throughout the year. Whether you need a list for vacation planning, hosting guests, or yard maintenance, these checklists are perfect to help you easily manage your home! Get it all done with ONE planner so that you can stop thinking about what needs to be done!

Your purchase comes with bonuses!

With purchase, you also receive a Digital Home Planner with a digital sticker pack that works perfectly with the GoodNotes app. PLUS, you also will receive multiple PDF files to help you plan, execute and customize your home planning system. This includes a PDF for the last 3 months of 2024 to help you start planning right away!

What's included ...


I hope this finds you excited today!

I'm Laurie, a busy working mom of 3 cute kids, and I've been married to my husband now for 27 (!!!) years. I came up with the idea for the Home Planner back in 2019 after seeing that sticking to a daily routine helped me manage our chaotic home, and now tens of thousands of other families have joined in too.

I just love that YOU found your way here!

I started Passionate Penny Pincher on a whim back in 2009, and never dreamed I'd still be here years later typing away each day. Over the years I've walked alongside hundreds of thousands of women, and have been lucky enough to cheer on their success as they've saved on their groceries, cooked yummy meals, or even exercised for the very first time.


I'm so incredibly humbled and encouraged by the amazing reviews we've received on our Home Planner System, and I absolutely love that it makes managing your home feel simple (and fun!) each day.


I know that the Home Planner will be a game changer in your home, and I truly can't wait to see your success. I'm right over here on this side of the screen, cheering for you today!

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