Do you wish your laundry smelled a little bit fresher after washing it, but can't afford scent beads? Check out the deal below!
Today on Amazon you can snag this 4-pk of Arm and Hammer Scent Booster Beads for under $15.50 shipped by clicking the 25% off eCoupon and choosing the S&S option!
Here's how to get the best price!
- Buy the 4-pk of Lavender Arm and Hammer Scent Booster Beads – $21.76
- Choose Subscribe & Save (you can opt out later!)
- Clip the 25% OFF eCoupon
- Makes it under $15.25 shipped ($3.81 per bottle) or $13.10 with 5 S&S subscriptions ($3.27 per bottle)!
Buy the 4-pk of Crisp Clean Arm and Hammer Scent Booster Beads – $21.92
- Choose Subscribe & Save (you can opt out later!)
- Clip the 25% OFF eCoupon
- Makes it under $15.35 shipped ($3.84 per bottle) or $13.15 with 5 S&S subscriptions ($3.29 per bottle)!
Click HERE to grab yours!