saving, giving, LIVING abundantly

10 Secret Strategies For Saving Online

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Do you love saving money online?






I mean really, is there anything more fun that shopping at home in your pjs and still saving big?


Nope. 🙂 


There are so many ways to save when shopping online, but here are my 10 online shopping secrets that you may not know:


1. Use to check the price history of every single item on Amazon.

Visit and copy and paste the URL from the item you’re looking at on Amazon into their browser to find out the lowest price that item has sold for.


What I love about this is you can see the highest price, the lowest price, and exactly when it's dropped in price so you're guaranteed to know what to expect the best price on each item to drop.





2. Find online coupon codes at CouponSherpa and RetailMeNot.

Visit sites like CouponSherpa or RetailMeNot and you’ll find a search bar in the top right hand corner of the page that allows you to easily search for a coupon code at just about any store online.



3. Stack multiple coupon codes.

Many stores allow you to “stack” multiple coupon codes to save even more. Kohl’s for example will let you stack up to 4 coupon codes per order online when using a computer (if you use your mobile device you can only stack 2 coupon codes per order at Kohl’s.)

Make sure to use multiple codes if you’re able when online shopping ~ to see if you can use more than one code just try keying several codes on the site that you're visiting.

(Love saving money at Kohl's? You need to read this.)



4. Visit Pricegrabber to compare prices online.

At Pricegrabber you can type in the name of any item you’re interested in and they’ll show you a list of stores that have that item with competing prices.



5. Sign up for email and text alerts from your favorite stores.

If you have a store you love, sign up for emails and text alerts from those stores which frequently offer coupon codes for additional savings.



6. Check out the Facebook page of your favorite stores.

Before making a purchase online, check out the Facebook page of the store you’re shopping. Stores like Old Navy, Gap, and even Shutterfly sometimes offer special coupon codes as well as information about advertised sales on those pages.



7. Do a quick google search.

Always make one last quick google search before purchasing online to see if any stores happen to have the item you’re looking for on sale at a better price. Sometimes a smaller company may have a discounted offer, so taking a minute to double check that prior to ordering is worth the few seconds it takes.



8. Don't pay for shipping.

If you can, choose to pick up in-store at most retailers to get free shipping.

Or, if you  have multiple items to purchase you can often hit the minimum amount for free shipping pretty quickly when buying a few items ~ wait to purchase things to hit that minimum amount so you’re not stuck paying for shipping! Amazon for example requires a minimum $35 purchase to get free shipping on almost everything, so wait and order things until you can meet that minimum.



9. Read reviews before purchasing.

Before purchasing online, read any reviews you about the item you’re purchasing as well as the store you’re purchasing from. While most stores offer free returns, it’s always easier not to have to deal with returning, so the more research you do prior to ordering the more likely you'll be to be happy with your purchase.



10. Watch for price drops to potentially get a price drop refund.

If the item you purchase goes on sale shortly after you order, email the company and ask for a refund of the price difference.

For example, Amazon will will refund the difference if you find a price drop within seven days of purchase. It never hurts to nicely ask for a price drop refund, so watch those prices and request a refund if the price does drop. 



Thanks so much for checking out my daily tips ~ if you have other suggestions on how to save online I'd love to hear them! Send me an email at to share your thoughts.





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